Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Christmas Doll Raffle?

I've been working diligently on a Christmas doll that I might put in for a raffle for the church fair. It depends how it comes out. Since it will be a representation of my work it really has to be good so I'll wait and see what happens. I don't have much time left so I'm just cranking it out. Here are some pics of the process so far.
She's made from a large brass candlestick. Her head is sculpted paperclay over a styrophome ball stuffed into the top of the candlestick and her body is wired around the candlestick with cloth over it. Her dress is made from old lace and her cape is made from an old velvet dress I found at the thrift shop. it has this large beading in the back but I didn't take a pic of that yet.

She will have a matching white muff to match her white fur hat. Still very much a work in progress.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Brand new Quilt

Here is the beginning of my new idea for a quilt. I got this great material of a brick wall. I decided to try and make a series of art quilts of vignettes in front of a brick wall.
The first one which I just started is of a graffiti wall with the graffiti artist at work. It's just in the beginning stages. I've painted the "graffiti" with paint sticks and I made the graffiti artist using various materials and stitching. it's still very much in the beginning stages but I thought I'd share it anyway.

Finished Doll

Well here is the finished doll with wings.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

In progress

Here is a doll I'm working on now. She is for a WIP challenge which stands for "work in progress" The idea was to take an unfinished doll that's been hanging around and finish it. She was definitely unfinished and was for quite a while. I've been working on her and I thought she was finished and ready to send her in when I thought about it in bed last night that she needed wings, so I guess she's not really finished, but I'll put her here anyway for now.

Here are both the original unfinished and now the next unfinished. lol

Halloween Art Quilt

Here is an art quilt I made for a halloween contest on line. .It's made from all materials and it's an original pattern that I drew and then followed. It has stitches all over it that I don't think you can see in the pictures.
Again, the pics are horrible but I will be doing my good pics later to submit this to the contest. It's the first real art quilt that I've ever tried and I loved making it and plan to do many more.

Scary Long Legs

Here is a witch to add to the dolly long legs collection. She sold immediately at the show so I will make one more to sell. I will also make Christmas ones as well as MS. Santa and maybe some angels.

Trick or Treat Doll

So I decided i need to do some Halloween items so here are a few things I'm working on or have finished. First is a little doll about 15" tall. She's actually a bendi doll that I wired and stuffed more. She's wearing a shirt and jeans that I made for her and then she has her pumpkin costume over that. She's going trick or treating and has seen something at the door that scared her!
These pictures are horrible and I will be taking better ones today for the doll blog.

Show 10-4-09

So the show went on, howe4ver due to the date hange there was just too much compitition with other venues happening all over so basically it was a flop. However i was able to sell a few thingsl and also see what people like so I can spend my next few months wokring on what people liked.

Here are some pics of the set up.